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Defend health and stay away from formaldehyde hazards
Source:Internet | Author:Internet | Published time: 90 days ago | 89 Views | Share:


In recent years, negative news about formaldehyde is not uncommon, and formaldehyde can be described as "among the best" among indoor air pollutants. When in an environment with high formaldehyde concentration for a long time, it will have a greater negative impact on human health, so how can we avoid the harm of formaldehyde? Let's take a look at the knowledge of formaldehyde.

Formaldehyde is an organic chemical substance, which is a colorless and irritating gas, which has an irritating effect on human eyes and nose. 

China's "Sanitary Standard for Formaldehyde in Indoor Air" stipulates that the maximum allowable concentration of indoor formaldehyde is 0.08 mg/cubic meter.

On October 27, 2017, the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) released a list of carcinogens that listed formaldehyde as a class I carcinogen. 

Sources of exposure to indoor formaldehyde

(1) Wall coatings, such as latex paint, wallpaper glue, glue in substrate materials, etc. 

(2) Cabinet furniture, such as wood paint, boards, etc.

(3) Flooring materials. 

(4) Decoration auxiliary materials, such as glass glue, white latex, floor glue, etc.

(5) Soft decoration fabrics, such as carpets, curtains, sofa covers and other fabrics.

A brief description of toxicity

Stimulant effect

The main harm of formaldehyde is the irritation of the skin and mucous membranes, formaldehyde is a toxic substance of plasma, which can be combined with proteins, and severe irritation and edema of the respiratory tract, eye irritation, and headache occur when inhaled at high concentrations.


Direct skin contact with formaldehyde can cause allergic dermatitis, pigmentation, necrosis, and bronchial asthma when inhaled at high concentrations of formaldehyde.


Studies have found that frequent exposure to formaldehyde can cause nose cancer, blood cancer, lymphoma, etc.

Poisoning treatment

Symptoms of poisoning

Mild formaldehyde poisoning: obvious symptoms of ocular and upper respiratory tract mucosal irritation, mainly manifested as conjunctival hyperemia, redness and swelling, dyspnea, heavy breathing, hoarse throat, dry speech or hoarse or damp, poisoned patients can also feel their own breathing sound thickened, 1~2 degrees of throat edema. 

Moderate formaldehyde poisoning: incessant cough, sputum production, chest tightness, dyspnea and wet and dry gong sounds, throat edema increases to 3 degrees. 

Severe formaldehyde poisoning: deterioration of lung and laryngeal condition, pulmonary edema and fourth-degree laryngeal edema, severe hypoxemia on blood gas analysis.

Emergency measures

1. Immediately remove the patient from the scene, and if necessary, oxygen should be administered. 2. Change contaminated clothes in time, and give anti-allergic treatment to those with allergies. 3. After skin and mucous membrane contact, rinse with plenty of water, and then wash with 2% sodium bicarbonate or soapy water. 4. After inhaling a large amount of formaldehyde vapor in a short period of time, those who have an upper respiratory tract irritation reaction should be observed for at least 24 hours, avoid aggravating the condition after activities, pay attention to observation, and prevent pulmonary edema. Corticosteroids can be used early to treat the symptoms if necessary. 5. If there are suspected clinical manifestations of formaldehyde poisoning, you should immediately go to the respiratory medicine department and emergency department for medical treatment, do chest X-ray examination, and combine the history of formaldehyde inhalation to determine whether it is formaldehyde poisoning.

Aldehyde removal method

1. When selecting materials for room decoration, you should check the formaldehyde content, choose non-toxic, harmless and non-polluting decoration materials, and choose a qualified and regular decoration company. After the decoration, the relevant testing department should be asked to test whether the indoor formaldehyde content is qualified

2. Open windows for ventilation.

3. Use air conditioning and electric heating to accelerate the release of formaldehyde.

4. It is recommended to use the following air release package to adsorb formaldehyde, and the formaldehyde removal rate is 99%.

5. Raising a few potted plants at home can play a certain role in purifying the indoor environment, commonly used aloe vera, pothos, spider plant, cactus, etc.

6. It is recommended to purchase the following formaldehyde detector to detect whether there is formaldehyde exceeding the standard in the room in advance.