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What is the best living temperature and humidity for the human body?
Source:Internet | Author:Internet | Published time: 199 days ago | 252 Views | Share:

The national standard GB50019-2003 "Design Code for Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning" stipulates that the standard indoor temperature of central heating is 18 °C ± 2 °C.

The indoor environmental quality standard item in the "2002 Planning and Design Guidelines for Moderately Prosperous Urban and Rural Housing Science and Technology Industry Demonstration Communities" stipulates that the indoor temperature in the heating area in winter is 16~21 °C.

When the indoor temperature is above 22°C, the air will be very dry, making people's eyes, ears, mouth, nose, throat and skin dry and uncomfortable. If the indoor temperature is too high for a long time, it will affect the person's body temperature regulation function, causing body temperature to rise, vasodilation, and pulse rate to increase, making people tired and dizzy. At the same time, if the indoor temperature is too high, a large amount of toxic gases will be released in the indoor furniture decoration materials. In winter, many houses have closed doors and windows, which directly affects the health of the body due to the accumulation of harmful gases.

Second, the higher the humidity in winter, the better

Winters are generally drier, and many families like to buy a lot of humidification equipment to increase indoor humidity. But here is a reminder that the higher the humidity, the better. In winter, when the indoor humidity is too high, it will make people feel cold and uncomfortable, and their resistance will decrease, so they are more likely to catch a cold; And the cold environment can also cause people to have negative emotions and lead to depression. The most suitable range for indoor relative humidity in winter is 40%-50%.

3. The refrigeration temperature in summer should not be too low

According to the "Indoor Air Quality Standards" issued by the state, the standard value of indoor temperature in air-conditioned rooms in summer is 22°C~28°C; From the perspective of energy conservation and power saving, according to the principle of "Regulations on Energy Conservation of Civil Buildings", indoor air conditioning shall not be lower than 26 °C in summer; From the perspective of living health and comfort, according to the physical characteristics of people of different ages, the indoor temperature of 24-26 °C in summer is the most suitable.

Fourth, the key to whether it is comfortable in summer depends on the humidity

Once the indoor air humidity reaches more than 70%, the air is in a humid state, and the evaporation of water in the human skin slows down, which will affect the normal body temperature adjustment and make people feel depressed and irritable. If the temperature of the air conditioner is too low at this time, it will make the body feel particularly cold; Once the outdoor enters the indoor area in the hot summer, the temperature difference between cold and hot is too large, which will cause hidden health hazards, and air conditioning diseases will also breed from there.

The most suitable range for indoor relative humidity in summer is 50%-60%.