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On the harm of carbon dioxide to people's lives
Source:Internet | Author:Internet | Published time: 193 days ago | 93 Views | Share:

Carbon dioxide, a carbon oxide, is an important component of the atmosphere and is a common greenhouse gas. Let's follow Aze's perspective and let's walk in together.

1. Climate change

Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can radiate long-wave radiation with a longer wavelength to the ground after strongly absorbing long-wave radiation from the ground, which plays a role in insulating the ground. Since industrialization, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has increased day by day, and excessive carbon dioxide emissions have led to global warming, leading to a series of climate problems, which have brought many difficulties to human life.

2. Sea level rise

Global warming has led to the melting of polar glaciers and the thermal expansion of seawater, leading to a rise in sea levels. It poses great harm to coastal cities and island countries, and has a negative impact on the human living environment and economic development.

3. Harm to human health

Studies have shown that when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is less than 2%, there is no obvious harm to people, and more than this concentration can cause damage to human respiratory organs, generally carbon dioxide is not a toxic substance, but when the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air exceeds a certain limit, it will cause poisoning to the body, and high concentrations of carbon dioxide will suffocate people.

4. Impacts on ecosystems

Changes in carbon dioxide concentrations have significant impacts on ecosystems, potentially altering species distribution, biodiversity, and the structure and function of ecosystems, which in turn affect the natural resources and services on which humans depend.

To sum up, the impact of carbon dioxide on human beings is multifaceted, not only affecting climate change and the ecological environment, but also directly related to the quality of life and health of human beings. Therefore, it is particularly important to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, strengthen the research and application of carbon capture and storage technologies, and promote sustainable development to mitigate the negative impact of carbon dioxide on human beings and the earth's ecological environment.