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To prevent carbon monoxide poisoning, pay attention to these details! Science time
Source:Internet | Author:Internet | Published time: 285 days ago | 111 Views | Share:

Coal-fired heating, gas water heaters and other equipment add a strong warmth to our winter. But if used incorrectly, they can also become the most feared "invisible killers" around us.

What are the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide in coal gas is the most common asphyxiating gas, because it is colorless, tasteless, odorless, and irritating, and it is not easy to detect even if it is poisoned.

Deaths from carbon monoxide poisoning have been devastating to many families, and the scars of losing their families, loved ones, and happiness have cast a heavy shadow over their lives and their families. Moreover, some patients with gas poisoning may have late-onset encephalopathy after 2~60 days of false recovery, including dementia, Parkinsonism manifestations, hemiplegia, incontinence, aphasia or blindness, or leave serious sequelae, affecting the prognosis and quality of life.

Be alert when these symptoms occur

Mild poisoning: manifested as early symptoms of poisoning, headache, dizziness, palpitations, nausea, vomiting, weakness of the limbs, and even brief fainting. At this time, if you can open the window in time to ventilate and breathe in fresh air, the symptoms will quickly reduce and disappear.

Moderate toxicity: on the basis of mild symptoms, excessive sweating, irritability, arrhythmias, collapse, or coma may occur.

Severe poisoning: On the basis of moderate poisoning, the patient has a deep coma, loss of various reflexes, incontinence, cold limbs, decreased blood pressure, shortness of breath, and even death.

What to do if someone has carbon monoxide poisoning

The poisoned person should be allowed to leave the poisoned environment as soon as possible, and the doors and windows should be opened immediately to circulate the air and pay attention to keeping warm. Do not use electric lights, telephones, mobile phones, candles, etc., when air circulation is not guaranteed, to prevent high carbon monoxide concentrations and explosions.

Unbutton the poisoned person's clothes, remove mouth and nose secretions, make them breathe freely, and rest quietly to avoid increasing the burden on the heart and lungs and increasing oxygen consumption after activities.

If the poisoned person is confused, the rescuer should check the patient's breathing, pulse, and blood pressure in the shortest possible time, and carry out emergency treatment according to these conditions.

If the poisoned person's breathing and heartbeat are stopped, artificial respiration and cardiac compressions are performed immediately.

Call the 120 emergency service and wait for the emergency doctor to arrive at the scene to treat the patient.

Pay attention to these details in life

In addition to the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning in coal stove heating, in daily life, the following prevention points are specially reminded:

1. There should be safety settings (such as chimneys, small ventilation windows, wind pipes, etc.) when using coal fires indoors, and the installation of coal stove chimneys should be reasonable. At the same time, install carbon monoxide alarms indoors.

2. To use gas water heaters correctly, do not use obsolete gas water heaters, such as in-line water heaters and flue water heaters, both of which are prohibited from production and sale by the state; Do not use gas water heaters that have expired in service; It is best to ask a professional to install the water heater, and it is not allowed to install, dismantle, or modify the gas appliance by yourself; When taking a bath in winter, do not close the doors and windows of the bathroom, and do not take a bath for too long.

3. When driving, do not let the engine idle for a long time; When the car is stopped, do not turn on the air conditioner for too long; Even when driving, you should open the windows frequently to allow convection of the air inside and outside the vehicle. If you feel unwell, stop and rest immediately; If you feel dizzy, heavi, or weak in your limbs while driving or riding in an air-conditioned vehicle, you should open the window in time to breathe fresh air.